


I realized that some everyday activities need to be thought through and demand a plan how to do them. There are fields that needed to be re-learned and consequently they became again doable.

I needed to go to a few therapies in the past because of neck problems and arms pain. I am sure that if I would have been approached like this in the past, my problems now would be lesser, my way of life less stressful. Stress at work and bankruptcy of the company pressed a button in my body and the shakes began.

1 year ago on your apparatus BIOFEEDBACK I finally realized the power of thought. I found out I was much more relaxed when I’m not trying too hard to be relaxed.

I am one of the lucky ones, for I was able to attend the therapy in the room “SNOEZELEN”. With hard work the battle with bad welfare veered my way. Enthusiasm and Mrs. Povše’s desire to help me permits no melancholy, but it gives energy to train and stretch at home as well.

Her decision alone, to appoint a trainee who occupied herself solely with me, was the basis of my progress and preparation for the room “SNOEZELEN”.

I finally comprehended what does the word “INTEGRAL” approach with patient actually mean. I am saddened tough, about the limitation of the capacities. After 37 years of working life and paying all the contributions one expects that the integral approach would be a rule and not an exception. I wish to actively cooperate with winning my health back, but I need the support of people with the knowledge to guide and support me.

I am aware, that without home exercise I would not achieve such results. To comprehend the difficult exercises I needed a lot of determination, support, urging and self-control.

All results and achievements are and will be my motto to sustain healthy life.